Thursday, 16 February 2012

Wow it's been a while!

I need to get back into the swing of things on here ... I need an outlet to voice my opinions, other than a book with many faces!

So here's my dilemma, something that has been eating away at me since it happened about a week ago. I think it would have less of an impact on me had it not been family who was outright attacking me, and publicly!

I have strong opinions on a few matters, for instance I am very much for correct carseat usage, and anti-circumcision (aka Intactivist). I'm pro-life, and pro breast feeding. Ok .. so I know a lot of it has to do with children, I have a lot of opinions on environmental preservation and world peace etc etc too! A lot of people think it's weird that I have such strong opinions on so many things to do with children considering I have yet to have any. Maybe so, but when I do have children, at least I will be well prepared in knowing what I want to accomplish, and what I don't.

Anyways, this is getting off course a bit. So my dilemma is actually centred around my passion for intactivism, and well, like I said some family members decided they would play the God of the book of faces;  My cousin started in on me about how I post about 10+ things a day (more likely not, seeing as I try to put them in the groups mostly). How I don't need to shove my opinion down other peoples throats, and then I had people who were her friends come into the very public conversation in which I was trying to intelligently keep my cool and stand my ground while defending myself.  You have no idea how many expletives I typed and then deleted, as I wanted to NOT sound like an ignorant fool. In the end another of our cousins who works as a MOA in a hospital basically came in and told her it was "Ok" to have a circumcision done because after all, in the hospital she has worked at for the last few years in a small town in Southern Ontario, there have been NO incident reports.

What she fails to realize is that often times with complications arising from circumcision procedures, it's not listed art he cause of complications. It's just listed as whatever the complication is... example "Baby died, of blood loss" which I think is completely ridiculous because if you're not "ashamed" of doing this (in my opinion barbaric) procedure, then why seemingly cover up what really caused the complication?? Are doctors so ashamed that they are performing this that they have to come up with another excuse for a baby being harmed by it, or dying from it? All this, so they can pad their pockets with a couple hundred bucks per procedure!

Tell me, if your child dies or is maimed by a circumcision going completely wrong, is there a refund policy? Likely, not. Just as there is no refund policy on life. Once you put your child under that knife there is no looking back. No telling what could happen either. Now, putting your child under the knife to fix a hole in their heart, or any other host of life-threatening ailments is one thing. To save a life, yes. I have yet to hear of a child who needs a complete circumcision in order to be saved from a life threatening ailment including the foreskin. Even boys who are born with their foreskin completely fused, and not allowing of urine to pass can have a small incision done and still remain intact.

I will have a blog post coming up on a piece I have been writing on this topic, hopefully soon it will be done!!

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